World Bank

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World Bank (Мировой банк)
Под этим названием известен Международный банк реконструкции и развития (international Bank for Reconstruction and Development) и его филиалы, Международная ассоциация развития (international Development Association) и Международная финансовая корпопрация (International Finance Corporation).

Источник: Финансы: оксфордский толковый словарь

Найдено научных статей по теме — 11

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World Islamic banking: growth and challenges ahead

Mahmud Ahmad Shakib
В данной статье рассматривается опыт роста исламского банкинга в мире, а также проблемы и барьеры, с которыми он сталкивался.
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China’s banking system in the world financial crisis

Jia Song
In the article the author analyses the mechanism of the impact of global financial crisis on China’s banking sector.
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171.58 кб

Cooperation of insurance and Bank market: world experience and Ukraine

Klymenko V. V.
The main world models of insurance companies and banks co-operation are analyzed in the article. The basic types of bankassurance products are described.
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Is the BRiCS new Development Bank a fledgling alternative to the World Bank?

Vazquez Agustina
In 2001, the world began talking about BRIC Brazil, Russia, India and China as a potential powerhouse in the world economy.
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Monetary and banking systems of the Central Eurasian countries in the context of the world financial

Ismailov Eldar
The financial crisis that has shaken the world dealt a rather hard-felt blow to the economy of the Central Eurasian countries, thus aggravating its weaknesses and ailments.
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Use of different ways of improvement of the financial State of problem banks in the period of world

Shvec' N.
In the article an author is probe the possible ways of improvement of the financial state of banks in a period a world economic crisis.
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2001. 01. 011-012. Мировой банк в новом тысячелетии. 2001. 01. 011. Stiglitz J. The World Bank at th

Макарова С. М.
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2012. 02. 037. Александер Ф. 1000 ведущих банков мира в 2011 г. Alexander Ph. top 1000 world banks 2

Семеко Г. В.
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59.14 кб

2003. 02. 053. Сутер К. Связь банков с терроризмом. Suter K. banking on terrorism // world today. L.

Иванова Н. Н.
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2008. 02. 028. Мировой банковский сектор на подъеме. The top 1000 world banks 2006 // Banker. - L. ,

Семеко Г. В.
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The banks, world management and sociocybernetics (a paper prompted by events in Greece and chance en

Raven John
From a modern perspective it is obvious that, if the wind is crashing our boats against the rocks, there is no point in organizing mass demonstrations to “fight the wind”.

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