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Аббревиатура, обозначающая систему передачи информации о ценах телетекстом на компьютер. Эта компьютеризированная система связи снабжает брокеров и “делателей рынка” на Лондонской фондовой бирже (London Stock Exchange) информацией о движении курсов акций и о совершенных операциях. Ввод информации производится через электронную систему информации о ценах на бирже (Stock Exchange Automated Quotations System (SEAQ)).

Источник: Финансы: оксфордский толковый словарь

Найдено научных статей по теме — 3

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Dope in sport as research topic (Russian contributions review)

Anna V. Anikina, Vsevolod I. Anikin
In 2014, the anti-Russian doping scandal led to the squeezing of Russia from the ranking of world sports powers. Sport became an arena of competition without rules. Materials and methods.
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873.88 кб

The structural model of the contents of audiovisual media texts on school and university topic

Fedorov A., Levitskaya A., Gorbatkova O.
Based on the results of a comparative hermeneutic, anthropological and gender analysis of audiovisual media texts on the theme of the school and university, their classification, content models, modifications of the genre, ideolog
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Hermeneutic analysis of German language audiovisual texts on the topic of school and university

Levitskaya A., Seliverstova L.
This paper seeks to contribute to the analysis of the German-language media texts on school and university theme that came out in Germany during the period of the sound film birth till the end of the World War II using the compara

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