Найдено научных статей по теме — 11

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2008. 03. 013. ОЭСР о перспективах науки, технологии и промышленности. OECD Science, technology and

Ализаде А. А.
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99. 03. 048. Джарретт П. Иммиграция в США. Jarrett P. The United states immigration // OECD observer

Былов В. Г.
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95. 02. 015. Мессер К. С. Налоговая политика в странах ОЭСР. Messere К. С. Tax policy in OECD countr

Кондратьева Т. С.
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2012. 04. 028. Руководство ОЭСР по расчету показателей экономики космоса. OECD Handbook on measuring

Пястолов С. М.
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Ictsd & OECD dialogue, Paris

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Перспективы занятости в странах ОЭСР – Выпуск 2008* OECD Employment Outlook 2008

Я.А. Вазякова
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«Экономический обзор ОЭСР» (№ 84, декабрь 2008) «OECD Economic Outlook» (Volume 2008/2, № 84, Decemb

Я.А. Вазякова
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An analysis of the financial repression index in the OECD and BRICS countries

Akhmed Abu Bakr F.A.
Importance Considering the persistence of high public debt and low growth rates, the financial repression policy remains relevant in advanced and some emerging economies.
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Innovation policy features in the oecd countries

Ivan Anisimov
The purpose of the paper is to analyze the innovation policy features in the OECD countries and give the basic framework which defines rights and obligations of intellectual property rights (IPRs) owners.
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Government support of export crediting: implementation of the OECD recommendations

Melnichuk Marina V.
Despite the ongoing sanction regimes, the Russian Federation is seeking to enhance the competitiveness of tradable goods and, hence, expand the international trade, increase exports and provide legal support for export crediting a
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Sarsembayev Marat. A.
This article explores the theoretical and practical issues of cooperation of Kazakhstan’s agro-industrial complex with international economic organizations during the 25-year period of sovereign development of the Republic.

Похожие термины:

  • OECD - Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development

    Организация экономического сотрудничества и развития (ОЭСР): международная организация, созданная в 1961 г. взамен Организации для европейского экономического сотрудничества в целях содействия эк