Найдено научных статей по теме — 13

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Capital movement as a factor of accounting systems development under globalization

Golubnitcha G.
Laws of formation and reproduction of accounting information systems are analyzed. The essence of concept "informational capital" is defined.
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Features of perception of loading elements of the railway track at high speeds of the movement

Kurhan D.M.
Purpose. Increase the train speeds movements requires not only the appropriate technical solutions, but also methodological-calculated.
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Modeling of dynamics of movement of fibres ulyuk a clap on a forward side of a tooth saw the cylinde

Sobirov Ilxom Qaxramonovich, Parpiyev Azimjon Parpiyevich, Djuraev Anvar Djuraevich
In article the technique of drawing up and the analytical decision of dynamics of movement of fibers ulyuk a clap on a forward side of a tooth saw the cylinder of gin of the second step is resulted.
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The analysis of monetary movement of Russian Federation on the present stage of development and in t

Выборова Е.Н.
In this article views the result of analysis of condition of monetary movement on the present stage of development and reveals the main results the tendencies and the regularity of development.
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The cooperative movement in rural areas should be a priority in reforming of agriculture (opportunit

Gorbanyuk V.O.
The history of rural cooperatives in Ukraine is quite deep. It includes both national characteristics and certain global trends.
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Plan of action of the Non-Aligned Movement (2006-2009)

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The Islamic movement of Uzbekistan: lines to complete the portrait

Odil Ruzaliev
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Миграционные будни России Light M. (2016) Fragile Migration Rights. Freedom of movement in Post-Sovi

Гулина Ольга Рифмировна
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History of the political movement forming in Kyrgyzstan

Ch. Koichumanova
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13.42 мб

Application of the committee machine method to forecast the movement of exchange rates and oil price

Akberdina V.V., Chernavin N.P., Chernavin F.P.
Importance This article discusses the forecasting of financial asset prices considering the most liquid and known financial assets of currency and commodity markets, such as currency pairs of USD/RUB, EUR/RUB, CAD/USD and the Bren
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The facilitation of freedom of movement between Russia and the European Union: prospects and legal i

Voinikov Vadim V.
This article examines the legal aspects of the prospective visa free regime between Russia and the European Union, as well as the implementation of local border traffic mechanisms.
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The movement of the self-organization of the public in the 1960s. (on the materials of the Karelian

Вавулинская Л.И.
В статье на материалах Республики Карелия проанализирована социальная значимость общественного само-управления, показана его зависимость от социально-экономических и политических условий, а также влияние на общественное развитие в
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Reingineering inovations in ecology - main factor for movement of business forward

Hadzhiev Bozidar, Prokopov Tsvetko
Regardless globalization, the opening of economies, the rise of the Internet economy and dynamic of business relationships emerging as an increasingly upward function, today the world is facing to the worst economic crisis since t

Похожие термины:

  • capital movement

    Перемещение капиталов между странами, осуществляемое компаниями или частными лицами. В последние годы ограничения валютного контроля (exchange control) и ограничения на перемещение капиталов между стра
  • Capital movements. Движение капиталов

    Перемещение средств в иностранной валюте из страны в страну в виде краткосрочных и долгосрочных инвестиций в недвижимость и ценные бумаги, а также в виде заимствований. См. Capital inflow, Capital outflow.