Mortgage Insurance

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Mortgage Insurance
специальная страховка, которая в случае, если выручка от продажи объекта залога будет недостаточна для погашения кредита, возместит кредитору разницу. Данная страховка требуется кредитору, если размер кредита больше определенной доли оцененной стоимости залога.

Источник: Глоссарий ипотечных терминов проекта "Rusipoteka"

Найдено научных статей по теме — 3

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Foreign experience of credit risk insurance at the housing mortgage crediting

Marchenko A.
The author of article considers the programs of mortgage insurance of some foreign countries and researches the basic conditions of given programs.
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Possibilities of insurance company are at the market of mortgage bonds in Ukraine

Dronik I.
In the article examined varieties of securities which are related to the mortgage. Risks are analysed in title insurance. The role of insurance companies is marked at the market of mortgage bonds.
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Life-insurance of borrowers of mortgage credits: problems and prospects of Development are in Ukrain

Marchenko A. Y.
The author of the article researches insurance products in the market of mortgages borrowers' life-insurance in Ukraine.