monetary policy

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monetary policy (денежнокредитная политика)
операции федеральной резервной системы, оказывающие воздействие а денежную массу в обращении, банковскую систему и, в конечном счете экономику в целом;

Источник: Глоссарий финансовых и биржевых терминов

monetary policy (денежно-кредитная,монетарная политика)
Инструмент, при помощи которого правительства стараются воздействовать на макроэкономические условия, увеличивая или уменьшая денежную массу. При этом используются три основных варианта: (1) печатание все новых денег (сейчас это практикуется редко); (2) прямой контроль над массой денег в денежном секторе; (3) операции на открытом рынке (ореп market operations). Кейнсианцы традиционно считали денежно-кредитную/монетарную политику грубым инструментом, а монетаристы придерживаются совершенно противоположной точки зрения. В реальной жизни правительства проявляют тенденцию к использованию “жесткой” денежной политики, надеясь таким образом обуздать инфляцию. Сравни: fiscal policy (фискальная политика).

Источник: Финансы: оксфордский толковый словарь

Найдено научных статей по теме — 15

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Role of monetary policy in market economy

Abdullaev A.A., Abdiyeva M.A.
This article examines the role of monetary policy in the market economy, factors affecting the Central Bank monetary policy, monetary policy tools and its components, analyzed and summarized and made recommendations.
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368.37 кб

Crisis aspects of world countries' monetary policy

Moisienko B.
In this paper is the experience of monetary policy countries in overcoming the consequences of financial crisis.
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1.49 мб

Debt Overhang and Monetary Policy in Czech Republic

Charles Goodhart, Kanat Isakov, Udara Peiris, Dimitrios Tsomocos
We investigate the consequences of excessive international debt overhang as they relate to both debtor and creditor countries.
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1.05 мб

Economic growth and fiscal-monetary policy coordination

Lukianenko I.G., Tokarchuk V.V.
Предметом исследования является взаимносогласованность фискальной и монетарной политики и оценивание ее воздействия на экономический рост как в Украине, так и в странах с рыночной и развивающейся экономикой.
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379.52 кб

Monetary policy: subsequent improvement of determination

Kokovikhina O. O.
In the articles analyzed existent determinations of monetary policy as component part of economic policy of country, and on the basis of it author determination of this concept is formulated.
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353.52 кб

Monetary policy: subsequent improvement of determination

Kokovikhina O. O., Novikova O. Y.
Quite a bit prominent economists tried as possible richer in content to interpret the concept of monetary policy. Before determination concepts "monetary policy" apply different approaches.
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1.02 мб

Impacts of monetary policy on asset markets: the case of Vietnam

Thanh Nhan Nguyen, Hai Yen Vu, Ngoc Huong Vu
Monetary policy, which is implemented by central banks by influencing money supply, usually has important impacts on market interest rates, exchange rates, asset prices and the public’s expectations, thereby affects the macro econ
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1.40 мб


A. D. Klovina
Empirical analysis of the transmission mechanism of monetary policy in Russia was carried out by applying a vector autoregression model based on monthly data for 2008-2017.
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593.13 кб

The role of monetary policy in macroeconomic regulation Uzbekistan

Yadgarova Malika Lutpillaevna, Hudoyarova Hurshida Abdinazarovna
Minimum (mandatory) reserves is the most liquid assets, which are required to have all credit institutions, as a rule, either in the form of cash on hand or in the form of deposits with the Central Bank or other forms of highly de
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419.15 кб

Transition to inflation targeting in Ukraine: new tools for monetary policy

Naumenkova S. , Malyutin O. , Mishchenko S.
В статье исследованы особенности перехода к инфляционному таргетированию в Украине.
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967.61 кб

The impact of monetary policy on economic development of the Kyrgyz Republic

Mehmet Ali Ates, Halit Karakas, Atabaev Nurlan
This study attempts to analyze the effect of monetary policy on economic development in case of Kyrgyz Republic.
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772.17 кб

Prospects of non-cash payments of the monetary policy of the Russian Federation"

Buryanov Natalya Vladimirovna, Olifrienko Roman Ivanovich, Olifirenko Anna Sergeyevna
The article considers the basic problems of cash and non-cash advantages. The detailed analysis of the risks associated with cash. The analysis of the benefits of cashless payments.
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159.97 кб

The currency-course policy and its influence on the monetary circulation organisation

Lutiy I. , Prodan T.
In article influence of a currency-course policy on the monetary circulation organization is considered.
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159.53 кб

Transport tariff policy in Russia in the period of monetary forms of value Foundation

Гайноченко Татьяна Михайловна
The article examines the origins and development of the railways tariff policy in Russia in the period of transformation toward monetary form of value, highlighted the stages of its evolution, and analyzes the most interesting ide
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468.70 кб

Heterogeneous bank lending responses to monetary policy: empirical Evidence from Russia

Kovtun Zlata
The monetary policy affects the regional economy through interest rates and its main parameter the Bank of Russia key rate. But do all the banks in the regions respond uniformly to monetary policy changes?

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