management company

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management company (управляющая компания)
Компания, которая управляет паевыми трастами (unit trusts). Оплата услуг этой компании, называемая административными расходами (managementcharges), обычно указывается в соглашении о создании паевого траста; она осуществляется за счет держателей па ев.

Источник: Финансы: оксфордский толковый словарь

Найдено научных статей по теме — 14

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Investment management company

Кушаев Р. М.
В статье рассматриваются методы оптимального управления инвестициями предприятия на рынке ценных бумаг, и возможность применения этих методов на практике.
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231.90 кб

Risk management of leasing company

O. A. Saenko
The expounded questions of risks’ offensive, their form, and possible directions of losses neutralization are on the results of leasing activity company
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370.23 кб

Controlling as a company management concept

The author defines contemporary concepts of business management. It perceives it as a system for planning, controlling, collecting and processing information.
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376.11 кб

Types of managers and change management in the company

Mirzaliyeva S.S., Kussainova Zh.
Managers play decisive role in the implementation of changes since they are responsible for developing the strategy changes and planning for their implementation.
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137.20 кб

Human resources management in Slovak transport company

The article deals with human resource management in a transport company. It shortly examines the following: quality management, the functions of human resources management and requirements to the human resources personnel.
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276.47 кб

The impact of HR-management on the company productivity

Аджибаева Ажархан Шоканкызы
Данная статья посвящена вопросам эффективной системы управления человеческими ресурсами: Как функции HR-менеджмента влияют на продуктивность и производительность работников и компании.
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141.52 кб

Formation of business process management Engineering company

Khatskevich L. D., Shishkin I. A.
In the proposed paper the relevance of management on the basis of machine-building enterprise business process management, building management systems business process engineering company, based on individual organizational functi
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74.09 кб

Company information risk insurance as a tool for risk management

Romanenko N. A.
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392.84 кб

Improving the system of personnel management in a company''s development

Kalicheva N. E., Stetsyuk M. I.
The improvement of personnel management in conditions of enterprise development. In the article the problem of effective personnel management as the main enterprise’s resource in conditions of its development is considered.
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135.39 кб

Innovation development management in vertically integrated holding company

Uspenskaja N. T.
The trend towards production consolidation and integration processes taking place both in the Russian and global economies leads to development of business associations, with a holding company being the most common form in Russia
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816.46 кб

Dynamic logistics strategies in the company logistics potential management

The article concerns challenges of the dynamic management of the company logistics system potential.
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513.41 кб

Organization of interconnection of accounting systems in the company management

Khakhonova Natalia Nikolayevna
At nowadays, the Russian accounting is undergoing complex and important period the reform of the system of accounting and reporting.
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213.21 кб

Image management company through the formation of development strategy horse breeding

Kopishynska O.P., Kucheruk V.V.
The article shows the importance of horse breeding industry in Ukraine, analyzed quantitative composition of horses, livestock redistribution between private and public enterprises.
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1.31 мб


Y. V. Razovsky, R. T. Kuliyev
The article presents the relevance of methods of reputation management as a means of improving the competitiveness of the organization.

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    управленческая компания открытого типа: инвестиционная компания, которая продает инвесторам акции взаимных фондов и управляет ими, причем число акций не ограничено