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ЛЕГАЛ”: компьютерный банк данных Нью-Йоркской фондовой биржи о фирмах-членах (данные аудита, жалобы клиентов, дисциплинарные меры)

Источник: Словарь акронимов и аббреиатур, используемых в банковской и финансовой деятельности (Glossary of International Banking & Finance Acronyms and Abbreviations)

Найдено научных статей по теме — 12

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Speculative capital markets: problems financially-legal adjusting

Kovalchuk А. Т.
Розглянуто ринки спекулятивного капіталу та визначено проблеми їх фінансово-правового регулювання
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Regulatory and legal support of taxes-and-duties liabilities accounting and audit under the conditio

Kupalova G. , Matvienko T.
Actual problems of legislative control of tax transactions accounting and audit in Ukraine under the conditions of financial crisis are investigated.
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Impact of legal regulation on efficiency of the domestic financial market

Virchenko V.
Article is devoted to analysis of peculiarities and impact of legal regulation on efficiency of the domestic financial market.
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Normative-legal providing of activity of enterprises of railway transport in the conditions of struc

Neskuba T. V.
The article is devoted to the analysis of operating normative-legal base of functioning of enterprises of railway transport with determination of basic its failing in the conditions of transition of activity of enterprises of indu
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Improvement of the normative legal base, as factor of the increase the volumes transit of transporta

Volkanova N. D., Rebrova A. Yu
In this article are research several aspects the state, problems and vector development of the international transport legislation in Ukraine, and the influential national transport legislation for the volume and quality of transi
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Zhenis Kembayev (2009) Legal Aspects of Regional Integration Processes in the Post-Soviet Area

Максимчук Наталья Викторовна
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2011. 03. 005. Супио А. Экономический кризис 2008 г. С правовой точки зрения. Supiot A. A legal pers

Загоруйко К. Ф.
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330.49 кб

95. 02. 068. Шихата И. Правовой режим иностранных инвестиций. Shihata I. F. I. legal treatment of fo

Безруков А. И.
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Problems of administrative and legal regulation of public-private partnership

Aleskerov Z. S.
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To the question of the legal adjusting of reinsurance in the modern terms

Nechiporenko V. V.
N this article attention is concentrated on some relevant questions of legal adjustment of reinsurance in Ukraine.
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Organizational and legal and economic principles of competitive intelligence subdivisions creation i

Kin’ov Y. R.
In article the problem organizational legal and economic bases of creation divisions of competitive intelligence in system of economic safety of subjects of managing, according to rules of law of Ukraine is considered.
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Estimating the inequality of legal and latent incomes with regard to the purchasing power of rouble

Litvintseva G. P., Stukalenko E. A., Voronkova O. V.
The paper presents the research results of monetary income differentiation of the population with use of the author's methodical approach with regard to different purchasing power of ruble in the Russian regions.

Похожие термины:

  • Legal tender. Законное средство платежа

    Бумажные и металлические деньги, которые обязательны к приему в качестве платежного средства при покупке товара, услуги или возмещении долга. См. Mint.
  • legal reserve

    Минимальные денежные суммы, которые, согласно закону, должны иметь строительные общества, страховые компании и т.д. в качестве гарантии в интересах своих клиентов.
  • legal tender

    Деньги, которые должны приниматься в оплату долга. Это могут быть ограниченные законные средства платежа (limited legal tender), которые должны приниматься, но только до определенного предела, или неограни