Af - Afghani

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Af - Afghani
афганский афгани (стандартная денежная единица Афганистана); = 100 пулам; = AFA

Источник: Словарь акронимов и аббреиатур, используемых в банковской и финансовой деятельности (Glossary of International Banking & Finance Acronyms and Abbreviations)

Найдено научных статей по теме — 14

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The Trans-Afghan transport corridor: state interests and development prospects

Zokhidov Azamat
Efforts are currently being stepped up to create a Trans-Afghan transport corridor (TATC), motivated primarily by its vast transit capabilities and the role it can play in developing economic relations in the Central Asia region.
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The Afghan crisis and the 2011 problem: what next?

Makhmudov Rustam
This May, President Obama confirmed that his country had embraced a new strategy in Afghanistan by saying: “The U.S. can start withdrawing troops from Afghanistan in July 2011.
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Tajik-Afghan interrelations today and their future prospects

Iskandarov Kosimsho
The Republic of Tajikistan and the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan have all the prerequisites for developing good-neighborly relations: a long common border stretching 1,344 km, a common historical past, common cultural values, tr
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The Afghan transformation: priorities and key problems

Bobokulov Inomzhon
This article examines the Afghan transformation that has been manifesting itself in such spheres as security, politics, and the economy. It is fed by the withdrawal of the international forces from Afghanistan.
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Iranian-afghan relations on the threshold of the withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan

Yuldasheva Guli
This article analyzes the state of Iranian-Afghan relations on the threshold of the withdrawal of the main contingent of American troops from Afghanistan planned for 2014 in the context of the current geopolitical processes going
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United States strategy and Afghan national security

Darkhor Mohammad , Kafi Saeed , Sadati Seyed
The United States attacked Afghanistan in October 2001, beginning the longest war in American history. Ten years later, on 22 June, 2011, Barack Obama announced that the United States would pull American troops out of Afghanistan.
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The Central Asia in the context of the Afghan situation

Dina Malysheva
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The Afghan Conflict and Central Asia

Victor Korgun
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Secure Development of Central Asia and the Afghan Factor

Dina Malysheva
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The Afghan Knot: Conceptual Features of U.S. Strategy in Afghanistan and Eurasia

Vladimir Ivanenko
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Schensnovich Valentina
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The Pakistani factor in the Afghan conflict

Iskandarov Kosimsho
In 1947, when Pakistan was established as an independent country, Afghanistan ceased to recognize the Durand Line, the border between India and Afghanistan drawn in 1893 under an agreement between Foreign Secretary of British Indi
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Islam in the Afghan conflict: last quarter of the twentieth-early twenty-first centuries

Martynkin Andrey , Khomenko Sergey
The authors analyze Islam as one of the most important, if not decisive, factors responsible for the country’s future; they reveal the specifics of its functioning in Afghan society as the state religion, investigate in great deta
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Migration in the mountainous regions of Eurasia: past and present (Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Afghanist

Olimova Saodat
Pamiro-Alai, Tien Shan, Hindukush, Karakorum, and the Himalayas are not only the highest mountain systems on Earth located in the heart of Eurasia, they are also the place of residence of Kyrgyz, Tajiks, Pashtuns, Punjabis, the pe

Похожие термины:

  • AFA - Afghanistan Afghani

    афганский афгани (стандартная денежная единица Афганистана); = 100 пулам. Ввоз афгани свободен, вывоз ограничивается 100 афгани. Ввоз иностранной валюты не ограничивается, вывоз - не свыше 2000 долларов
  • afghani

    Денежная единица Афганистана, равная 100 пулам.
  • Afg - Afghanistan
