Найдено научных статей по теме — 6

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Formation of regional wholesale food markets system

Polozova T. V., Kolesnyak A. A.
The management structure and the infrastructure of regional wholesale food market, the scheme of agricultural products and foodstuffs movement to the end-consumer are offered.
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Wholesale food markets in the distribution system in the region

Горлов А. В., Горлова Е. Е.
В статье рассматривается особенности формирования оптовых продовольственных рынков, их структура и функции на уровне региона.
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Infrustructure of the wholesale markets of agricultural producs

Музыка П.Н., Доманская Н.А.
В статье дается определение термина «инфраструктуры оптовых рынков сельскохозяйственной продукции».
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Foreign experience of organization of wholesale agricultural markets

Stepan Poperechnyi, Oksana Kleban
Activities of wholesale agricultural markets of France, Germany, Great Britain and Spain are explored in the article.
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Wholesale markets of agricultural produce : of value and International experience

Domanska N.A.
The ground of necessity of wholesale markets of agricultural produce, factors that influence on efficiency of their work, is described in the article, information is given about wholesale markets in the different regions of the wo
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Wholesale markets of agricultural products in Ukraine: stages of development and formation

Fedyshin R.S.
The article reflected the stages of formation and functioning wholesale markets for agricultural products in Ukraine.