Rem - Remittance

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Rem - Remittance
денежный перевод (обычно в безналичной форме для оплаты чего-либо); = remitt.

Источник: Словарь акронимов и аббреиатур, используемых в банковской и финансовой деятельности (Glossary of International Banking & Finance Acronyms and Abbreviations)

Найдено научных статей по теме — 11

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Financial development and remittances in RBMU's countries

Bratu Renate
Целью данной работы является оценка состояния развития финансовой системы в 3 из этих стран, с которыми Европейский союз установил отношения в рамках Программы партнерства, добавив Румынию также.
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Do workers’ remittances induce inflation?the case of Vietnam, 1996-2012

Hung To Ngoc, Minh Nguyen
This paper seeks to examine the impact of remittances on infl in Vietnam during 1996-2012. Usingthe vector autoregressive model (VAR), we show that remittance causes infl indirectly through increasing money supply.
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Remittances and economic growth in Vietnam: an ARDL bounds testing approach

Tung Dang
Целью данной работы является исследование взаимосвязи денежных переводов с экономическим ростом во Вьетнаме в период с 1996 по 2012 гг.
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Personal remittances of labor migrants to Ukraine: benefits for the country

Oksana Koshulko
This paper is the continuation of a series of publications in recent years concerning Ukrainian migration abroad.
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Implication of the 2008-2009 global financial crisis on remittances by the Cameroon diaspora

Awang Ollong Kingsly
Remittances have emerged as an important source of external development finance. They have grown in absolute volume as well as relative to other sources of external finance.
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Labor migrant remittances and their role in the migrant households of Central Asian countries

Sadovskaia Elena
Contemporary labor migration in the region's countries is being increasingly influenced by global trends: it is becoming more diversified with an increasing shift toward developed Western countries; it is becoming incorporated int
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Global financial crisis and agrarian households" income, remittance and prices in rural Nigeria amid

Mkpado Mmaduabuchukwu
The recent global financial crisis affected almost all aspect of human life.
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Remittances and economic development in the republic of Tajikistan: impact on macroeconomic stabilit

Sharipov Bakhrom
This article analyzes the growing role of migrants’ remittances in the new reality created by the significant changes in the functioning of the global and national economy.
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The causal relation-ship between remittances and poverty reduction in developing country: using a no

Gaaliche Makram, Montassar Zayati
The aim of this article is to investigate the causal relationship between remittances and poverty reduction for 14 emerging and developing countries over the period from 1980 to 2012.
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Migrants'' remittances: economic lifeline but fragile support for developing countries. The case of

Burnete S.
Today's economic development on a global scale is highly dependent on the free movement of factors of production across national borders in search of highest return in case of capital, highest compensation in case of technological
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Migration, remittances and economic growth: an empirical study in the case of former Soviet republic

Yormirzoev M.M.
Over the last decade, an international inflow of remittances throughout the world has increased significantly, becoming the second largest source of foreign financial receipts.