real investment

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real investment (реальные инвестиции)
Инвестиции в основной капитал-здания, сооружения, машины, оборудование и т.д., или в поддающиеся оценке активы общественного пользования-школы, дамбы и т.д., а не в такие “бумажные” активы, как ценные бумаги, облигации и прочее.

Источник: Финансы: оксфордский толковый словарь

Найдено научных статей по теме — 8

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Investment in real estates

Mihaylov Mihail
The issue of investment of savings is becoming more urgent against the background of low interest rates on deposits, which in recent years is a trend in the banking market and the return of inflation.
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The real situation of foreign direct investments (FDI) in Ukraine

Serzhanov Vitalii Victorovych, Kostov'Yat Hanna Igorivna
The real situation of foreign direct investments attraction in the economy of Ukraine is analyzed in the article.
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10.18 мб

Conceptual approaches to forming mechanism of investment safety realization

Vladimir Talover
The purpose of the paper is theoretical justification of theoretical approaches while developing the mechanism of the state investment safety.
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3.25 мб

Conceptual approaches to forming mechanism of investment safety realization

Vladimir Talover
The purpose of the paper is theoretical justification of theoretical approaches while developing the mechanism of the state investment safety.
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267.90 кб

Insurance as a stability basis of investment activity at the real estate market

Pikus R.
Insurance being the most important element of risk optimization is the basis of investment activity. The author marks out risks of investors and buyers.
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Account to risk factor during realization of investment projects on railway transport

Dicolenco O. G.
The article is devoted to the analysis of existent investment risks and ways of their minimization.
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Estimation of Effect of Taxation on Real Sector Investment in Russia: Calculation of Marginal Effect

Karzanova I.V.
In this paper we present the theoretical framework, which can be used to examine the potential impact of the taxation system on the accumulation of physical capital in Russia. The modified version of M. King and D.
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Real Estate Investment as a Panacea for Economic Instability in Nigeria: Evidence from Northeastern

Muhammad Umar Bello, Aliyu Ahmad Aliyu, David Martin @Daud Juanil, Rozilah Kasim
Real estate investment is an emerging business in many countries of the world. Real estate investment was thoroughly investigated to come up with solution faced by the transaction of land and building.

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