Найдено научных статей по теме — 5

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Quarter of a century on from the Soviet era: reflections on Russian doctrinal responses to the annex

Issaeva Maria
The article is intended to give a reader a broader view of the post-Crimean academic discussion within Russia.
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Problem Questions of history of Russia XIX - the first quarter of XX centuries in interpretation p.

Safronov Oleg S.
The article focuses on various discussion problems Russian history XIX first quarter of the XX centuries in interpretation ideologist anarchy-communism, outstanding scientist P.A. Kropotkin.
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Islam in the Afghan conflict: last quarter of the twentieth-early twenty-first centuries

Martynkin Andrey , Khomenko Sergey
The authors analyze Islam as one of the most important, if not decisive, factors responsible for the country’s future; they reveal the specifics of its functioning in Afghan society as the state religion, investigate in great deta
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Transformation of state formation s on the Territo Ry of Ukraine in iх – the first quarter of ХХ cen

Zablotskyi Volodymyr Valentynovych
The sources and models of state formations, that were appearing, forming, transforming and disappearing on the territory of Ukraine during almost ten centuries, are analyzed in the article that allows to clear up nature and essenc
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2013. 04. 033. Собек Т. Хорошие последствия. Sobek T. good consequences // lawyer Quarterly. – Praha

Нагорная И. И.

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