Найдено научных статей по теме — 10

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Currency Market: Under presure of external factors

Alexander Mukha
In 2014, amid increasing geopolitical risks and economic sanctions imposed by the European Union and the United States against Russia, the Russian ruble dramatically depreciated, and the Russian economic expansion slowed.
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Money market: under pressure of the oil factor and debt burden

Alexandr Mukha
In 2015, the drop in global prices of crude and refined oil amid significant foreign debt payments by Belarusian residents had a profound negative impact on the performance of the country’s money market.
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Currency Market and Banking System: Pressure of adverse factors

Alexander Mukha
In 2013, Belarus faced a marked deterioration of external terms of trade, which brought about export cuts, drops in industrial output, slower GDP growth rates and expansions in the country’s foreign trade deficit.
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Bank marketing at the present Ukrainian banking services market

Shlafman N., Hudkov V.
Високий ступінь політизації економіки України призвів до загострення проблем в банківському секторі, який сьогодні практично припинив виконувати свою функцію кредитування бізнесу.
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The Preface the regulation of a passenger trafic in the market reletivse

Gulay O. S.
In article there is regard the expedient of transitive from a cruel social politic of State to tarifical politic railway in passenger transport to the market principle costmetod.
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Conceptual prerequisites for formation of a finance system in a market economy

Osetsky V. , Yatsun O.
Different theoretical approaches to modern models of financing in transition countries are presented.
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The market of economic information: classification features and organizational prerequisits of its f

Marko Ye
The article deals with the classification features and organizational prerequisits of the market of economic information formation in Ukraine.
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Premises and economic consequences of rent-seeking behaviour on the banking service market in Ukrain

Grazhevska N., Trokhymenko V., Grazhevska A.
The paper analyzes premises of rent-seeking behaviour of economic actors on the banking service market in Ukraine.
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Presentation of the rail freight market’s concentration with respect to the gas market with the help

Farkas B.
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Aspers, Patrik. Markets in fashion, a phenomenological approach. Stockholm: city University Press, 2

Рёссель Йорг

Похожие термины:

  • market-risk premium

    См.: risk premium (премия за риск).
  • MMP - Money Market Preferred Stock, U.S

    привилегированные акции денежного рынка: акции с плавающей ставкой дивиденда, устанавливаемой через короткие промежутки времени (введены в США в 1984 г.)