Найдено научных статей по теме — 13

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Management of an industrial stream on the basis of the theory of restrictions

Shotylo D. M.
In article the management concept by an industrial stream on the basis of the theory of restrictions is considered.
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“the gas pipeline War”: on several geopolitical consequences of the TANAP and Turkish Stream project

Gandzhumian Valeria
The current stage in international relations is characterized by rapid intensification of competition in the energy sphere.
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The e-waste stream in the world-system

Frey R. Scott
Globalization and sustainability are contradictory tendencies in the current world-system. Consider the fact that transnational corporations transfer some of the core's wastes to the peripheral zones of the world-system.
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The South Stream vs. Nabucco: the "pipeline war" gains momentum

Magomedov Arbakhan , Nikerov Ruslan
The authors scrutinize the hottest stage of one of the most acute geopolitical rivalries in the Caspian-Caucasian region between Nabucco (the EU's pet project) and the South Stream promoted by the Russian Federation.
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Taran A., Lavrov D.N.
Video multicast services over wireless network has become widespread nowadays. Multicasting over wired networks approach can not be directly transfer and assumed to wireless network.
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Priority streamlines aimed at modern tax policy improvement in Tajikistan Republic in middle-term pe

Салимова Мухайё Музаффаровна, Хакимов Фаррух Саидович
Налоговая система не может эффективно функционировать длительное время в неизменном виде. Изменения в экономике страны и в финансовой политике государства требуют проведения соответствующих преобразований и в налоговой системе.
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Stocks and streams - the basic categories of logistics

Grigoriev M.N., Digusov N.N., Uvarov S.A.
This article deals with modern positions the ratio of the logistics' basic categories stocks and streams.
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Approaches to streams’ classification in logistics

Grigoriev M.N., Digusov N.N., Uvarov S.A.
Considered from a modern perspective the approach to classification of streams in logistics.
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Legal Streamlines Related to protection Security of computer Information

Болтуев Самад Шарифбоевич, Гафуров Халимджон
Статья посвящена главному и определяющему направлению безопасности информации, которым является правовое обеспечение защиты компьютерной информации.
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Legal Streamlines Related to protection security of computer information

Болтуев Самад Шарифбоевич, Гафуров Халимджон
Статья посвящена главному и определяющему направлению безопасности информации, которым является правовое обеспечение защиты компьютерной информации.
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Migratory transfers in the system of International financial streams

Schevchenko V. Yu
The content, forms and economic importance of the labor migrant's incomes international transfers are analyzing.
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The features of functioning of logistic streams in the poultry farming

Volnova Helena
The features of functioning of logistic streams are considered in the poultry farming. To determine basic tasks of management the logistic system of enterprises that production the poultry farming’s goods.
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Political and organizational aspects of «Restraint» of Transborders streams of the information

Ovchinnikov S. A., Grishin S. E.
The article considers the key aspects of creation of the new global information society problem, connected with modes of mass supervision in information-communication networks.

Похожие термины:

  • on stream (в действии)

    Выражение, употребляемое в отношении капиталовложений или актива, которые приносят ожидавшийся доход.