iss - Issue

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iss - Issue
денежная эмиссия; количество наличных денег в обращении; заем, выпуск ценных бумаг; общая сумма акций компании, котируемых на фондовой бирже

Источник: Словарь акронимов и аббреиатур, используемых в банковской и финансовой деятельности (Glossary of International Banking & Finance Acronyms and Abbreviations)

Найдено научных статей по теме — 15

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121.25 кб

New ISEDT RAS issues

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161.76 кб

Issues of geoinformation

Konecny Gottfried
The paper summarizes the status and the issues of geoinformation (geodesy, photogrammetry, remote sensing, geoinformation systems, geoinformatics, cartography)
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95.01 кб

The memory management issue

Harutyun Marutyan
The article considers the fundamental works that exist in the Western anthropologicaland sociological literature, concerning the most referred to and discussedpolitical uses of the past in the theory of collective memory.
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1.46 мб


S. V. Komikov
This article considers problems, which arise as a result of Russian accounting system reformation, which is held in accordance of the market economy needs as well as international financial reporting standards.
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486.31 кб

Leaders and projects - common issues

Vacar A.
This article is a small part of a long empirical and practical research and it began from the necessity of models to be followed in organizations and the way they can generate that expected behavior from others.
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495.16 кб

Islamist perspectives on energy issues

Karagiannis Emmanuel
Despite the centrality of oil and gas in the political life and economy of many Middle Eastern countries, scant attention has been paid to Islamist perspectives on energy issues [1].
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164.68 кб

Current issues of German forest policy

Norbert Weber
The main issues of nowadays German forest policy have been discussed in the paper, including questions of forest organization and organizational reforms, forest certification, National Forest Program, new societal demands to the f
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Annotations of the articles of the issue

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Annotations of the articles of the issue

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Supplying food safety issues in Uzbekistan

Saidaxmedova Nodira Ilxomovna, Abulkasimov Hasan Pirnazarovich
The article presents an overview of food security, the development of the purchasing power of the domestic market, providing the population with food products in the Republic of Uzbekistan.
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340.48 кб

Contemporary issues of Law and Informatics

Frolovich E. M., Polyakova S. V.
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492.37 кб

Issues of understanding of organized crime

Dzhansarayeva Rima Yerenatovna, Romashov Roman Anatolyevich
FNI 0575 GF 2 «Penitentiary safety and problems of its provision» Abstract: The article analyzes the phenomenon of «organized crime».
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1.03 мб

Compliance issues attorney-client privilege

Акинина Н.Ю.
В данной статье рассмотрены проблемы соблюдения адвокатской тайны в Российской Федерации.
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151.11 кб

Some issues of Armenia’s information security

Samvel Martirosyan
The article touches upon some issues of information security this country may facein connection with the growing influence of the latest technologies.
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283.46 кб

Two perspectives on the ''Kaliningrad issue''

Smirnov Vadim
This interview with two former special presidential representatives for the Kaliningrad region (Dmitry Rogozin, representing the Russian party and Gediminas Kirkilas, representing the Lithuanian party) recounts the EU-Russia negot