Найдено научных статей по теме — 12

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Green GRP as a macroeconomic indicator of economic growth of a region (by the example of Krasnoyarsk

Zander Yevgeniya V., Startseva Yulia I., Pyzhev Anton I.
The paper considers issues relating to the necessity to adjust macroeconomic indicators to incorporate the ecological component.
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The evaluation of variety of market structure using the entropy indicator

Grigoriev Alexey V.
An effective economic system assumes the minimization of costs connected with the satisfaction of population needs and the operation of economics itself.
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Quality of life of the population as an indicator of sustainable development of rural territories

Tretyakova Larisa Alexandrovna, Lavrikova Natalia Igorevna
The purpose of this study is theoretical justification of socio-economic foundations of sustainable livelihoods in rural areas and development of practical recommendations for evaluating and improving quality of life in rural area
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258.18 кб

System of its indicator economic safety

Alexandrova A. Y.
The thesis is devoted to the scientific and methodological decision of problem of formulation peculiarity economic safety’s guarantying of Ukraine in regional aspect.
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Intangible assets as an innovation indicator: evaluation of ia specifics in a Russian company as an

Полыгалина Наталия Борисовна, Полыгалин Валерий Владимирович, Маринина Анна Валерьевна
As IAS (International Accounting Standards) were published and came into force in Russian Federation since January 2012.
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Lending dynamics as indicator of banking systems financial soundness

Oleksenko Kateryna Volodymyrivna
The article investigates relation between the banking system financial soundness and credit volume growth before the world financial crisis and afterwards.
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Food consumption as an indicator of the quality of life of the population in regions

Моrоzоvа Е.А., Glushakova O.V., Fadeikina N.V.
The quality of life, which is a complex characteristic of human existence, its level and conditions, in the research practice is measured by statistical and sociological methods.
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8.53 мб

Indicator system for measurement of financial and economic activities in public institutions

Valeriy Dudnyk, Ludmila Lozovska
The object of the work is study of methods for analyzing the current financial and economic performance of a company as well as the usage of existing methods for the assessment of the company in the current and future periods.
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1.32 мб

Expansion of the central banks balances of developed countries as the main indicator of looming glob

Kievich Aleksandr, Buhtik Marina, Samohovets Maria
The article analyzes the growth of the debt burden in developed countries and its impact on the policy of their central banks (CB) in matters of monetary stimulation of the global economy and substantiates the fact that the Centra
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The responsibility as an indicator of information readiness of future engineers to their profession

Papakitsa Elena
The article presents the results of theoretical rationale and experimental verification of the level of development of responsibility as an indicator of information readiness of future engineers to their profession.
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5.01 мб

Patterns of alcohol consumption as a social group indicator in modern Russian cities

Roshchina Yana , Martynenko Petr
This article analyzes the correlation between alcohol consumption patterns in Russian cities and the characteristics of consumers, including their social status.
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Migration as an indicator of people’s social and psychological stability (as exemplified in the Psko

Gurieva Svetlana D., Kostromina Svetlana N., Tcvetkova Larisa A., Samuylova Irina A., Konfisakhor Aleksandr G., Anisimova Tatyana V.
Years of social, economic, and political changes have resulted in intensive and extensive migration activity.

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