
Найдено 1 определение
Identification (отождествление)
одна из нескольких потенциальных реакций фигур, когда мы испытываем беспокойство. Согласно теории, мы сбрасываем составляющую своей личности, чтобы походить на того, кого мы воспринимаем более удачливым. Явление описано Зигмундом Фрейдом (1856-1939).

Источник: Психология финансов. Словарь по книге

Найдено научных статей по теме — 12

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Identification of main stages to choose the enterprise for the investment

Ovcharenko T.
In the article the basic methods of analysis of investment attractiveness of enterprise are considered and offered approach, which is based on combination of fundamental macroeconomic analysis at the level of state and world econo
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148.87 кб

The problem of management accounting identification and control

Shashkova Irina Gennadievna, Borycheva Natalya Nikolayevna
The article is concerned with the interconnection between management accounting and control and their comparative characteristics.
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1.12 мб

Methods of power supply identification of Ukrainian economy

Balan V. , Kochedykova A.
В статье указаны проблемы энергетической сферы и процесса энергообеспечения Украины энергетическими ресурса-ми.
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539.54 кб

Identification of the leading branches in the economy of Perm territory as potential clusters

Kovaleva Tat'yana Yur'evna
This article proposes an approach to the identification of leading sectors of the regional economics, which allows distinguishing perspective regional clusters and their development, will generate a complete cluster structure of t
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77.10 кб

Identification mechanisms of contact points with a client as tools of improvement of customer satisf

Chesnokova A. V., Barvenko O. G., Radina O. I.
In this article examples of standard and non-standard points of contact with potential clients are given, their detection mechanisms are described and the examples on this subject from the practical experience of the authors are g
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235.90 кб

Identification of the forms of International payments in the accounting system

Chizhevska L.V., Zelenina O.O., Romsnenko S.V.
The essence of the forms of international payments and determined their place in the accounting system.
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340.01 кб

Culture: identification, reflection, and refraction культура: идентификация, отражение и преломление

Logan Ferrell
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149.73 кб

Islamic Factor in Post-Soviet Russia’s Processes of Identification

Marietta T. Stepanyants
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403.96 кб

Stakeholder approach to identification and analysis of value creation drivers

Efimova Olga , Samohina Veronica
В исследовании представлена методология выявления, отбора и анализа факторов создания стоимости компании.
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199.40 кб

Oil and gas complexes and clusters: identification and monitoring

Kutergina G.V., Ivanova O.G.
The need to identify and to organize the regional monitoring of industrial complexes and clusters is based on their strategically important role in the regional development.
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367.07 кб

Identification of risk of corruption in the context of the development of the concept of environment

Salimov Lenar Nailovich
Objective: to develop a methodology for identifying the types and subtypes of economic activities at risk of environmentalcorruption in Russia.
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1.42 мб

The use of the experiment planning method to evaluate the accuracy of flexible units identification

Yehorov O.Y.
Purpose. The identification of rolling stock on the railroads is an integral part of many automation systems as trains in general and cars separately.

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