free market

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free market (свободный рынок)
1. Рынок, свободный от вмешательства правительства, на котором цены повышаются и понижаются в зависимости от предложения и спроса. 2. Ценная бумага, которая активно продается и покупается на бирже; большие объемы предложения позволяют избегать ценового колебания, связанного с размерами спроса на нее. 3. Валютный рынок Cybreign exchange market), свободный от воздействия правительств на движение валютных курсов, которые свободно повышаются и падают в зависимости от спроса и предложения.

Источник: Финансы: оксфордский толковый словарь

Найдено научных статей по теме — 5

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Brown Clare, Block Walter E., Wirth Harold E.
The tragedy of the commons is responsible for many, if not all, of the environmental problems concerning natural resource preservation that we face in modern society.
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581.41 кб

Freelance market as the possible future of labor market

Kazakova V.A.
The problem of employment is considered to be one of the most significant, important and fundamental in development of our society.
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3.24 мб

Free Trade in Services and EAEU Single Services Market: Current State and Opportunities

A. M. Daribayeva, A. M. Sarsekenova
The paper examines trade in services regimes of the Eurasian Economic Union. The main aim of this article is to reveal characteristics of existing trade in services regimes as well as to compare those regimes.
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The development of securities market of Ukraine in the context of deepening of free trade zone betwe

Liubkina O.
The article is devoted to the problems of external economic collaboration of Ukraine and EU in financial markets development.
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11.12 мб

Libertarianism and capitalism. Book review “the free market existentialist. Capitalism without consu

Snaevarr St.
A Note on William Irwin’s Book The Free Market Existentialist. The young philosopher William Irwin is best known as the instigator of the book series Philosophy and Popular Culture.

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