European Union

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European Union (EU)
European Union (EU) - Европейский Союз (ЕС) -  в состав входят  25 европейских государств, подписавших Договор о Европейском Союзе:
Бельгия, Нидерланды, Люксембург, Франция, Италия, Великобритания, Ирландия, Дания, Греция, Испания, Португалия, Австрия, Швеция, Финляндия, Эстония, Латвия, Литва, Польша, Чехия, Словакия, Венгрия, Словения, Кипр, Мальта.
 Страны указаны в порядке вхождения в Союз

Источник: Словарь терминов и сокращений рынка forex, Forex EuroClub

Найдено схем по теме — 1

Найдено научных статей по теме — 15

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250.95 кб

The European Union role in today''s Afghanistan

The article covers a wide range of issues that demonstrate the EU commitment to achieve a more stable Afghanistan.
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22.39 кб

Kyrgyzstan-european Union: facets of cooperation

Muratbek Azymbakiev
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1.24 мб


Burciu Andreea
Nowadays, the digital economy represents the main engine of innovation, competitiveness and growth potential at European level, being a real opportunity for entrepreneurs and Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs).
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209.15 кб

Belarus – European Union: Another thaw in relations

Dzianis Melyantsou
The year 2013 has brought hardly any breakthrough in the BelarusianEuropean relations: neither side would yield for the sake of their improvement.
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259.03 кб

The concept of the European Union’s normative power

Ekaterina Savorskaya
Traditionally, studies into a state’s foreign policy focus on the international situation and national interests of the parties.
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342.56 кб

The role of the European Union in football governance

Strezhneva Marina V.
The European football is in need of proper governance. This fact has been acknowledged in a number of EU documents, as well as by some of its member-states, Britain and France in particular.
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135.01 кб

Azerbaijan and the European Union: Zigzag in Relations

I. Fedorovskaya
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102.00 кб

The European Union in the light of comparative politics

Kabat-Rudnicka Danuta
В исследовательской литературе Европейский Союз (ЕС) анализируются с различных теоретических точек зрения.
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1.04 мб

Improving youths' social situation in the European Union

The European Union's social policies of the last years aimed at improving the social conditions of youths across Europe.
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295.63 кб

Instruments of foreign trade policy of the European Union

Prytula N.V.
In the article the author describes the normative legal acts of the European Union, which cover foreign trade policy instruments of the European Union.
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533.34 кб

Improving youths'' social situation in the European Union

Rtmbu G., Constantinescu L.A.
The European Union's social policies of the last years aimed at improving the social conditions of youths across Europe.
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374.77 кб

“the future of the European Union: managing globalization”

Tilovska-Kechegi Elena
“Globalization is a process of interaction and integration among the people, companies and governments of different nations, a process driven by international trade, investment and aided by informational technology”.
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66.39 кб

The European Union is readjusting its Central Asian strategy

Laumulin Murat
As soon as the Soviet Union fell apart, Central Asia, together with the rest of the post-Soviet expanse, became part of so-called political Europe, that is, it was drawn into the EU’s sphere of interests on the strength of the OSC
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145.85 кб

Innovation system and policy in the European Union countries

Ayuchatova Polina Alekseyevna
The article draws out attention to innovation system and policy in the European Union countries.
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134.84 кб

Cooperation between the Horn of Africa and the European Union

Dorothy Chebet Rotich
This article outlines the causes of conflict in the Horn of Africa and the joint EU-Africa strategies undertaken by the European Union and the Horn of Africa partners to bring sustainable peace to the region.

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