div - Dividend

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div - Dividend
дивиденд (часть прибыли акционерного общества, подлежащая распределению среди акционеров); дивиденд объявляется директорами компании и утверждается собранием акционеров. В Великобритании объявляется и выплачивается за вычетом налогов DIW - Deutsche Institute fu r Wirtschaftsforschung = German Research Instituteодин из шести ведущих исследовательских институтов Германии, регулярно публикующий независимые доклады о состоянии экономики, а весной и осенью совместный доклад

Источник: Словарь акронимов и аббреиатур, используемых в банковской и финансовой деятельности (Glossary of International Banking & Finance Acronyms and Abbreviations)

Найдено научных статей по теме — 12

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Dividend policy of listed companies in China

Hu Junnan, Xu Xiaoyang
В работе анализируются существующие проблемы политики дивидендов в Китае с учетом данных по распределению дивидендов (2001-2005) всех листинговых компаний (около 1300) на китайском фондовом рынке.
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Is there a dividend month premium? Evidence from Japan

Ta Cong
По определению Hartzmark и Solomon (2012), премия дивидендного месяца это ошибочное ценообразование акций в месяцах, в которых ожидается выплата дивидендов.
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Relevance of dividend to profitability of Nigerian firms

Ebiringa Oforegbunam Thaddeus, Okoroegbe Chris , Obi Henry Kenedunium
This paper established that dividend policy is relevant to firm profitability.
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The impact of foreign stockholders on the dividend policy of Russian companies

Fedorova E.A., Komarova E.O.
Importance In this article, we consider the dependence of dividend payments of Russian companies on foreign shareholders, and the dividend policy of Russian companies.
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Food dividends of migration: agents of cross-borderness and cultural continuity

Alissa V. Tolstokorova
The paper looks at the issue of food in connection with migration, taking Ukraine as the case in point.
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Characteristic features of dividend policy formation in joint-stock corporations

Kovalska K.
The main factors that influence on corporation's policy's formation are researched. The recommendations for its improvement are formed.
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Policy of dividend payments in the context of expansion of corporate rights for subjects

Danilova L. I.
The peculiarities of devidend policy in Ukraine are lightened. The main alvantages and disadvantages of its influence on a company activity and on the shareholders are opened.The recommendations for its imporoment are formed
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Dividend puzzle on Bulgarian stock Exchange - opportunity for an abnormal risk-adjusted returns

Pavlov Ts. L.
The present paper examines the gap between the leading theoretical formulations about the optimal dividend policy and empirical data on the companies and investor’s behaviour known in the academic literature as “dividend puzzle”.
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Financial strategy and dividend politics as compound corporate financial management of the enterpris

Danilova L. I., Kulik I. N.
Розглянуто сутність, задачі, етапи формування і критерії оцінки ефективності фінансової стратегії. Запропоновано модель фінансової стратегії.
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Semi-strong form efficiency: market reaction to dividend and earnings announcements in Vietnam stock

Tran Thi Xuan Anh, Nguyen Thanh Phuong, Pham Tien Manh
The paper seeks an answer to whether Vietnam is efficient in semi-strong form by identifying the market’s reaction to publicized information and events.
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The impact of funding sources, Ownership structure, diversfication, external factor on dividend, inv

Darmawan Ari
This research was motivated to reexamine; a) debate the superiority of dividends and investment in creating firm value, and b) the factors that affect the dividend, investment, firm value.
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The reciprocal effect of Leverage, dividend Policy, and financial performance: study on comparison b

Machfiro Sonia, Sukoharsono Ganis Eko, Nuzula Firdausi Nila
The purpose of this research is empirically examine the effect of leverage, dividend policy, and financial performance reciprocally and to know the difference application on the companies that have high and low liabilities level i