
Найдено 1 определение
Company = Co.; компания; Compensation
компенсация: “каунтертрейд”: встречная торговля (оплата поставки одних товаров производится полностью или частично другими товарами); товарообменные операции на базе одного контракта

Источник: Словарь акронимов и аббреиатур, используемых в банковской и финансовой деятельности (Glossary of International Banking & Finance Acronyms and Abbreviations)

Найдено научных статей по теме — 9

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95. 02. 037. Факторы конкурентоспособности мелких и средних предприятий. Les determinants de la comp

Жилина И. Ю.
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122.87 кб

2005. 01. 045. Персе Э. Стратегическая роль связей предприятия с внешней средой. Persais E. les comp

Жилина И. Ю.
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202.12 кб

2006. 04. 001. Хьюджес К. Г. Лицом к лицу с глобальной конкуренцией. Hughes K. H. facing global comp

Авдулов А. Н.
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168.35 кб

Trust and Entrepreneurial Behaviour in East and West European economies concepts, developments, comp

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442.97 кб

Management mechanisms of investment attractiveness of agricultural enterprises to improve their comp

Barylo W.
Today the priority is to ensure the economic competitiveness of enterprises.
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Comprehensive modernization of railway transport as an innovative efficient instrument to raise comp

Logutova T., Poltoratskyi M.
The article considers theoretical and practical aspects of modernization of railway transport owned by industrial and transport companies that will allow to raise competitive capacity of the companies due to decrease in value of f
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N. Ginesina
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430.67 кб

Knowledge-based model of competition in restaurant industry: a qualitative study about culinary comp

Napitupulu Joshua H., Astuti Endang Siti, Hamid Djamhur, Rahardjo Kusdi
The purpose of the study is to have an in-depth description in the form of the analysis of culinary competence, creativity and innovation that develops knowledge-based model of competence in full-service restaurant business.
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8.37 мб

Practical aspects of osai methodology in assessing the organizational culture of an engineering comp

Aleksandra Biletskaya
This article is intended to generalize and highlight the practical application of certain science-based approaches to assessment of an engineering company’s organizational culture.